Check out a selection of our beds and mattresses below and then visit us at the Haudagain Retail Park for a closer inspection of our extensive stock. We also have a range of bed frames in stock.
You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality and amazed by the prices!
3ft single size Mattresses From £110 – £400
4ft-small double and 4ft6-double size Mattresses From £179 – £500
5ft -king size Mattresses From £215 – £600
6ft x 6ft 6-super king-size Mattresses start from £275 – £899
Check out our special deal – click on button below
Headboard 24 inch high in all fabric swatches in any style
3ft Ortho Coil medium 9” mattress with base £250
3ft Ortho Coil medium 9” mattress with base and headboard £279 s/p
4ft Ortho Coil medium 9” mattress with base and headboard £389 s/p
4ft Ortho Coil medium 9” mattress with base £349
4ft6 Ortho Coil medium 9” mattress with base and headboard £389 s/p
4ft6 Ortho Coil medium 9” mattress with base £349
5ft Ortho Coil medium 9” mattress with base £429
3ft base non-drawers £135; when you buy with mattress price drop to £115
3ft base with 2drawers £195; when you buy with mattress price drop to£175
4ft small double and 4ft6 double base non-drawers £179; when you buy with mattress price drop to £150
4ft small double and 4ft6 -double base with 2drawers £239; when you buy with mattress price drop to £210
5ft king size base non-drawers £209; when you buy with mattress price drop to £180
5ft king size base with 2drawers £279; when you buy with mattress price drop to £240
AM Beds Ltd, 604A Clifton Road, Aberdeen, AB24 4ED
Come into our shop at the Haudagain Retail Park OPPOSITE KFC AND AMERICAN GOLF
01224 694444 / Allan 07751 900061 /Mirella 07738 717711
MONDAY 10.00am – 4.00pm
TUESDAY 10.00am – 4.00pm
WEDNESDAY 10.00am – 4.00pm
THURSDAY 10.00am – 4.00pm
SATURDAY 10.00am – 4.00pm
SUNDAY 10.00am – 3.00pm
AM Beds Ltd, previously known as K & M Discount Beds Ltd, have been trading in Aberdeen since 1987.
In that time we have developed a reputation for quality, exceptional value for money and quality customer service.
AM Beds Ltd, previously known as K & M Discount Beds Ltd, have been trading in Aberdeen since 1987.
In that time we have developed a reputation for quality, exceptional value for money and quality customer service.